Oh For God's sake
Lets go through this
10. 4% talk about pulling numbers out of the starfish. How was it that lat summer we were paying $4.50 per gallon and oil company profits were as high as they had ever been??? Not at 4% thats for damn sure..
9. Couldn't agree with you more
8. WTF are ya talking about??? Did ya not see the Fiasco that Glen Beck put on last weekend??? Slap in the face to MLK and anybody that doesn't go along with the hate radio WWE format.. Hell Sarah Palin can spout whatever she wants and most of it is gobbled up by SHEEPLE as fact..
7. Gun Laws.... Last I looked DC was liberated, ya could legally carry in National Parks and all of you small govt. / States Rights peeps got what ya asked for in what is going on in Illinois.
6. Not just Dems spreading Global Warming... But go ahead and make sure we have a well head in every meadow and make sure that none of the 4% the poor oil companies make go in to any type of research for another energy source. Are there still MERCURY ADVISORIES for FISH and WATERFOWL in effect???
5. 100% agreement not even cool to mess with this subject
4. Illegal aliens do take... But do also pay sales tax, property tax, gas tax, and God forbid we create a Crop workers, Hotel Staff or Landscape Union right??? Americans are Union loving sumbitches aren't we??
3. Again redistribution of wealth is great as long as it always redistributes UPWARDS right??? Last I looked it was the R peeps holding up the loan regulations that would help small business as well as continually telling everyone in earshot to put their wallets away because economic Armageddon was just around the corner... Koch anybody!!!
2. Who appointed the judge that did the whole GAY MARRIAGE THING??? Thats right the GOP LION RONNIE the GIPPER
1. Part of the whole OBAMA CARE package is the optilrectomy.... This procedure disconnects the nerve between GOP members eyes and assholes that give them such a shitty outlook on life...