LMAO...well almost.
You know what I find really amusing with this YOUTUBE video clip, is this...this is so outta touch with 'REAL' AMERICANS...just like all the YOUTUBE videos some will post links too...claiming this is the way 'a lot of folks' see things...WAKE-UP...this is not how 'a lot of folks' see things...
If you're going to post a link...well at least make sure you post who the talk host is...didn't catch that (maybe I missed the opening credits and ending credits) IMHO this was STAGED...for those who see nothing right with any topic except what they believe...if the flavor is what they want to see...Hmmmmmm let's post the YOUTUBE video as 'a lot of folks' are this way or that way....
Enjoyed the pics of Homer though...BUT!!!GIVE me a break...post credible links with other links in the story so folks can do research and hopefully make their own opinion on the topic...Geeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!! COMSIC now isn't it...
Can we EVER get real and quit posting to a YOUTUBE video that has no substance, creditability, realism...
Sorry I viewed it being the video just like others posted on this site... except I did find amusement to the various pics...My son makes better videos with realistic sound and not some COMIC HERO or hasbeen they think represents...'a lot of folks'...My God...yep American comes down to what folks see on YOUTUBE BS VIDEOS...so what's showing tonight on YOUTUBE...can hardly wait.....